
they will return there

Published by <p>Begehbare Installation auf BuGa-Gelände Mannheim Kiefernholz, Stroh, Weide21 x 8 x 4,5 m / 827 x 315 x 177 in</p>

The Event of a Thread. Global Narratives in Textiles

Published by <p>Wanderausstellung des IFA in ZUsammenarbeit mit dem Goethe-Institut Tunis, der deutschen Botschaft Tunis und der Galerie „Central“ in Tunis. Mit... <a class="view-article" href="">View Article</a></p>

Silent Stories

Published by <p>mit Arbeiten von:Wolfgang Bier, Guillermo Caivano, Markus Draper, Marcel van Eeden, John Finneran, Anna Genger, Sebastian Gögel, Eberhard Havekost, Ingrid... <a class="view-article" href="">View Article</a></p>

Collect the Present – Present the Collection

Published by <p>mit Pia Fries, Olaf Holzapfel, Lucas Blalock, Andreas Schmitten, Katharina Fritsch, Günter Haese, Dirk Skreber, David Thorpe, Charlotte Posenenske, Isa... <a class="view-article" href="">View Article</a></p>